Welcome to Tatton Nursery

Dear Parent/Carer


At Tatton Nursery, we provide a high quality integrated play and learning environment for your child. We understand that children need to feel a sense of security and belonging when they are away from their parents. We make certain that all children feel happy, secure and safe within their environment.

 Children are encouraged to develop self-confidence, creativity, independence and individuality within a secure, healthy and stimulating environment.

 Fully trained staff have a real bond with the children in their care. They will support every child with a learning experience that is planned from the child’s starting point with activities that are challenging yet achievable.

We acknowledge and value parents/carers as primary educators and we will work alongside you and your family for the benefit of your child.


 We to offer a first-class pre-school facility covering all seven areas of learning for your child. Below are our aims, objectives and a short version of our policies as required by OFSTED. Full copies of all procedures and policies are always available at the entrance desk.


We are OFSTED registered Nursery, therefore enabling you to claim the Nursery Grants for eligible 2 year olds; and all 3 year olds the term after their 3rd birthday.  Please ask for further details.


We have a ‘Structured learning’ through play framework, which is very informal this is because all children develop at different stages no matter what their age.

Some children are happy to play all session, some children want to learn, so we make it fun. Through play we contribute to the children’s Physical, Intellectual, Social and Emotional development.

We ensure we have the correct legal ratio of qualified and unqualified staff, this is one member of staff to every four children under three and one member of staff to every eight children over the age of three. Staff will attend regular and relevant training courses.



The fees are £22.00 for half a day 9.00am-12.45p.m,

or £30.00 for a full day 9.00am -3.00pm.

Early morning club available on request from 8.30am.

Fruit and milk will be incuded £3.00 per session payable on the morning of attendance .

These fees are payable even if your child is absent for any reason, (excluding early morning club) This is because we cannot anticipate children being absent and still have outgoings of staff wages and rent to cover.

 We may increase our charges once per year. We will give you written notice of any such increases 2 months before the proposed date of increase.


Enrolment Fees

An enrolment fee, equal to two weeks cost, is needed to be paid in advance, to secure your child’s place. This fee will be deducted off your final balance when your child leaves the nursery. Fees are payable on the first session of the week/month that you child attends.


Non-Payment of Fees

If your child’s fees have not been paid for over 2 weeks and you do not discuss this with the manager, we will have no alternative but to offer the place to another child.  This is because unpaid fees accumulate, and parents then find it difficult to pay and therefore we lose money.  As fees are the only source of income for us, we cannot allow ourselves to be in this position.

 If you decide to take your child out for any reason (moving house, changing settings) one month notice is required.


Late Fee

If your child attends either a half day or full day session, and is collected late there will be a £10 charge for every 15minutes that your child remains in our care, this is due to insurance and staffing cost.



We have a waiting list at Tatton and you can put your child’s name down on this list before your child turns 2 years old, children will be allocated places on the first served basis from this list. However, priority will be given to children over 2 for various reasons, such as -:




This final decision will be left with the manager.



Please provide your child with a packed lunch in a clearly labelled lunch box. We aim to keep sugary treats to a minimum so please do not include sweets or carbonated drinks.



We have a newsletter that will be circulated to you at least once a term, informing you of events happening in the pre-school such as visitors, holidays, etc. If you would like to receive your newsletter by email, then please ask one of the team for an ‘Email form’. The newsletter can also be viewed on the Nursery Website and you can message the Nursery by using the "contact us" messaging facility. 



Health and Safety

 Tatton Nursery strongly believes in children being safe at all times. As providers, we have implemented effective systems and practices to enable a safe and secure environment for all children, staff, parents/carers and visitors.

 We operate an access control door system so all staff are fully aware of who is coming in and out of the Nursery setting. To enable us to have full control of who enters the premises we will challenge and question unauthorised and unrecognised person(s).

All parents/carers must provide the Nursery with a password and inform the staff of who will be delivering and collecting the child on the day. If another person is to be collecting your child, they must provide us with a password. Parents are asked not to admit an unauthorised person(s) into the setting at any time.

 We recruit staff with care and attention. Every member of staff must undergo a clearance DBS check.  Both inside and outside of the setting is safe and secure fully secured gates, doors and locks. Our toys and equipment are age appropriate and of high quality; they are risk assessed as part of our Health and Safety Policy

 All staff are trained & fully briefed on health and safety issues and there is always a trained paediatric first aider on site within the Nursery.


Equal Opportunities

We operate an equal opportunities policy at Tatton Nursery, this means that all children and their families, whatever their sex, race, creed, gender or abilities, will be treated with equal respect.

We ensure that we do not stereotype children.


Special Educational Needs

We believe that all children should be given the same opportunities. If we can help your child benefit from being in a child orientated environment and deal with their special needs at the same time we are only too happy to help. We would want to discuss their needs with you, the parent, or guardian, and outline exactly how we need to work with you and your child. We would monitor and assess them


The role of the SENCO is to assess your child and provide for your child’s needs.

 Discussions with the SENCO and yourself will enable us to work out what is best for your child. It may be that you do not realise that your child has any special needs and that it is identified at Tatton Nursery, If this is the case, then the SENCO or your child’s key worker will contact you to discuss any concerns that the staff may have.

 A more detailed assessment of your child’s needs will be carried out and an IEP (Individual Educational Plan) will be drafted to meet specified targets. Everything is done in complete confidence, and please do not feel embarrassed or uneasy about contacting us if you feel you have any concerns about your child. Tatton Nursery staff have experience with all kinds of special needs.

Whatever their needs we are in contact with Health Visitors, the Child Development Centre and Child Educational Psychologists and we are all here to help no matter how small the problem.

 If an IEP has been structured for your child, but no progress is being made, then it may be necessary for the Educational Psychologist to be involved and they will consider whether a statutory assessment is necessary.

 If this is the case, we will continue to support you and your child in liaison with yourself and other professionals. It may be that your child would benefit from specialist support and we would need to address this with you. Whatever stage your child is at, be sure that all staff will be there to help and support you.

We are friendly and approachable and we understand.



Behaviour Policy (Control and Sanctions)

The aim of our behaviour policy is to promote acceptable behaviour and respect for others. Discipline is something we implement.

 We think quick intervention is usually enough, unless danger is imminent to another child or a member of staff, in which case the minimum restraint would be used. 

Behaviour which is not acceptable consists of bullying or name calling, physical intimation, verbal and emotional abuse & threats.

Ways we would use to encourage good behaviour include, praising and reinforcing good behaviour, encourage sharing and negotiation.

Tatton Nursery staff and volunteers set good examples, consult with children about rules, helping children to understand the effect of their behaviour on others, help children to challenge bullying, encourage responsibility, such as helping tidy up and caring for others.   Ways we use to manage children’s behaviour are distraction, discussion, praise and rewards.

  Copies of our Behaviour policies are available on request.


Missing Child Procedure

In the unlikely event of a missing child, the deputy would carry out a search of the premises, the manager would take the register whilst the search was being carried out.  Once this had been done if the child was still unaccounted for a search of the immediate area outside the building would be carried out by two of the assistants.  If the child was still unaccounted for the Manager would then contact the Parent/Guardian and the Police.


Non–collection of a child

Our insurance arrangements and registration provisions only allow us to look after your child until 3.00pm, children may not be left after 3.00pm as this contravenes registration and our insurance. In the event that it occurs, you will be charged £5 to the nearest 15minutes. Children cannot leave the premises unaccompanied or with an unauthorised person and the person collecting must be over the age of 18 years.


If a child is not collected at the end of a session, we will use the following procedures;

  • Check the alternative collection record sheet for any information about changes to the normal collection routines.
  • If no information is available, parents/carers are contacted at home/work.
  • If this is unsuccessful, the adults who are authorised by the parents to collect their children from the setting – and whose telephone numbers are recorded on the Registration Form- are contacted.
  • All reasonable attempts are made to contact the parents/carers.
  • The child will not leave the premises with anyone other than those named on the Registration Form and in the collection book.
  • If no-one collects the child after one hour and there is no-one who can be contacted to collect the child, we apply the procedures for uncollected children.
  • We contact our local authority social services department Tel: 0300 1236720
  • The child will stay at the setting in the care of two fully-vetted workers until the child is safely collected by the parents or by a social worker.
  • Social services will aim to find the parent/carer if they are unable to do so, the child will be admitted into the care of the local authority.
  • Under no circumstances will a member of staff go to look for the parent/carer, nor will they take the child home with them.
  • A full written report of the incident will be recorded in the child’s file.
  • Depending on circumstances, we reserve the right to charge parents for the additional hours worked by our staff.
  • Ofsted may be informed Tel: 0300 123 1231



Child Protection Procedure

It is not unusual for children to attend pre-school with bumps and bruises but as carers it is our duty to carry out a Child Protection Procedure within the pre-school setting.  Should there be any physical or verbal indication of child abuse (Physical, Sexual, Neglect or Emotional) the member of staff noting it would inform the manager who would then liaise with the supervisor and decide what action to take.  In the event of the manager not being able to decide on appropriate action they would contact the local authority children’s social care team or the NSPCC

Your child’s records can be seen by you at any time.


Fire Procedures

Fire drills are carried out at Tatton Nursery termly.  We prepare the children by using a smoke detector during activities and telling them stories etc, so they are aware of the sound of the Fire Alarms.

 The staff have a set format to follow to evacuate the children from the building.  Incidentally, you may be involved in a Fire Drill when you are collecting your children.  You should therefore leave the building and assemble on the car park.



The Nursery is and will continue to be involved with prospective childcare workers. Therefore, a number of students will be working alongside the Nursery staff, but will be supervised at all times.



We take all complains seriously and aim to resolve any issues you may have to the best of our ability within the setting, however if you have any problems and feel they have not been resolved by Tatton Nursery staff, you are within your rights to take the matter further.  You should contact (OFSTED) Office for Standards in Education at the following address.


Piccadilly Gate

Store Street


M1 2WD

TEL:  0300 123 1231


Access to Information

As a parent, you have the right to see any records or information recorded concerning your child.  Any information about any child at Tatton is treated in the strictest of confidence.

 All staff are aware of the Confidentiality Policy within the setting.


All About Me

 We teach young children as individuals first, each with a unique profile of abilities and interests. To enable us to focus the nursery experiences around your child as they start nursery an 'All About Me' document is completed by you and your child. This highlights the child's favourite activities, personal needs and gives you an opportunity highlight any strengths or weaknesses you feel your child may have. your child will partake in several settling in sessions to Nursery to familiarise themselves and support a smooth transition.


 Learning Journeys

We aim to support every child with a learning experience that is planned from the child's starting point with activities that are challenging yet achievable so that they can continue to enjoy learning. Your child's key person will be sensitive to the individual development of each child to ensure that the activities they undertake are suitable for the stage that they have reached. Practitioners will therefore complete ongoing observational assessment in their Learning Journeys each month to inform planning for each child's continuing development through play -based activities. The records are shared with parents regularly and include parental involvement at every stage.




  1. Sickness

    Children should not attend nursery if they are suffering from sickness, diarrhoea, an infectious illness or have any unspecific rashes (until diagnosed by a doctor). If a child becomes ill whilst at nursery, their parent/carer will be telephoned to tell them of their child’s illness and be asked to collect the child. If parents are unavailable other Parent authorised contacts will be called.

     In the event of an emergency, the child will be taken to the nearest hospital, accompanied by a senior member of staff, who will act ‘in loco parentis’ until their parent/carer arrives.


  2. Medicine

     Parents will have to fill out a medication form before medicine can be administrated. Parents will be telephoned before Calpol is given. However, if a child’s temperature becomes exceptionally high and a parent cannot be contacted, then Calpol will be administered. This will only be after all other methods of relieving the temperature have been attempted e.g. tepid sponging. If a child has to receive regular, prescribed medication whilst at nursery, full written details must be provided, and the medication clearly marked with the child’s name and dosage instructions. Attending the nursery whilst on medication will be at the discretion of the Nursery Manager. The nursery will administer non-prescription medication for a period of three days, dependant on the medication or the condition of the child. After this time medical attention should be sought. The nursery will not administer non-prescription medication containing aspirin. * please note paracetamol will not be administered unless the child has a temperature exceeding 38.0 degrees.  All administration of medicines will then be recorded and countersigned by another member of staff, this information will then be kept in you child’s file.


  3. Health & Safety

    Tatton Nursery are regulated by OFSTED. Suspected instances of child abuse or neglect are dealt with by the area child protection team. We are fully compliant with all the legal obligations requiring policies for safe guarding children, equal opportunities and health and safety. Each nursery has nominated personnel responsible for ensuring these requirements are met.

  4. Lost Property

    Parents are encouraged to clearly label all their children’s clothing to help avoid items going missing or being misplaced. Tatton Nursery does not accept any responsibility for the loss of property in the nursery.

    Please do not send your child in their ‘BEST’ clothes as your child will have lots of opportunities for messy play and we will not be held responsible for damaged clothes.

    We do have Nursery Logo Jumpers and Polo shirts available to buy if wish to do so, these can be personalised with your child’s name; however, this is not compulsory.

     We are very aware that children become very attached to their belongings and find them a great comfort/security. We do not stop you from bring in toys or comforters from home, however we do ask that it is on a ‘must have basis’ as we cannot accept any responsibly for lost or broken toys

  5. Arrivals and Departures

          When children arrive at Tatton a member of staff will be on the door.

     The session starts at 9.00am and finishes at 12.45pm/3.00 prompt.[8.30 if attending breakfast club] Children are NOT  allowed in the play rooms before these times for safety reasons.

    Parents/Guardians must ensure that their child has been placed on the register before leaving.  Once your child has been left by you they will not be allowed to leave the playrooms unless they wish to go to the toilet – in which case your child will be accompanied by a member of staff.

      The main front door will be locked, access can be gained by ringing the doorbell. If for any reason, you cannot collect your child yourself and someone else is doing it for you, WE NEED TO KNOW PRIOR TO COLLECTION, when you will be asked to sign to authorise this.

    If you do not know who will be collecting your child for you, please provide a PASSWORD which your representative can use to introduce themselves to us. WE ARE VERY STRICT ON THIS POLICY AND IF YOU HAVE NOT ARRANGED FOR YOUR CHILD TO BE COLLECTED USING OUR PROCEDURE WE WILL NOT LET YOUR CHILD GO. If your child is not collected at the appropriate time we will begin to ring phone number provided by you, till we arrange a pick up.

  6. Smoking and Drinking

    Under no circumstances will these be tolerated within the Nursery setting.

      A session for staff is from 8.30a.m. to 3.00pm. Any member of staff found participating in smoking and the drinking of alcohol with in these times will be INSTANTLY DISMISSED. Tatton Gardens is a No Smoking building.

  7. Mobile Phones

    Staff, students, volunteers and visitor’s mobile phones are not to be used in the setting at any time. The managers Nursery Mobile phone will only be used when contacting parents, outside agencies and educational purposes.





    We hope this gives you a clear outline of how we operate.  Should you wish to come and visit us we have an open-door policy, please call in any time between 9.00am and 3pm for a visit.

     If you require any further information you can contact us on

     01257 270854 or 07719828181


    We look forward to seeing you.


    Tatton Nursery


    Marsha Nightingale




In order to reach us

Tatton Nursery

Tatton Gardens, Silverdale Road, (off Windmere Road)



You can call us by




We are now in our new permanent premises, located in Tatton Gardens

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